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Vic and Liz O’Callaghan: The Listening Circle

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Australian Restorative Practitioners June 2024 Zoom gathering: Vic and Liz O’Callaghan.

Vic and Liz share their story about the genesis of the Listening Circle in the Restorative Practices framework.

Vic and Liz O’Callaghan
Thursday, June 13, 2024
5.30pm (Sydney, Melbourne) 5pm (Adelaide) for 90mins

Vic and Liz share their story about the genesis of the Listening Circle in the Restorative Practices framework.

The Listening Circle is a confidential space. This circle is a group of six people with a trained facilitator who leads all present to share their story of the impact of the sexual abuse crisis and hear how others have been impacted. The underlying requirement is always that the shared matter must be based on a family, group, community or social or global shared experience.


  • Listening Circles guide people to engage in challenging and complex conversations.
  • The created space must be both sacred and safe.
  • The voice of the process says, ‘We all care’ and ‘You matter’.
  • The process has agreements that guide interactions.
  • The agreements are transparent and help establish and maintain respect and equity.
  • Listening Circles are NOT occasions for discussion, debate, or decision making. Within this domain, there are no attempts to solve problems or to level blame.
  • Psychological support must always be available for those who may experience distress during the session.


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