About the Practitioner
As an academic in the early 1990's, David's work included co-ordinating Justice Studies at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga. He was thus 'in the right place, at the right time, with the right knowledge', to respond to an opportunity to work on what became the pilot of Restorative Justice in Australia: using the group conference process in youth justice. (Much of this early work was done with Terry O'Connell and John McDonald.) David has continued to work over the last 30 years, both nationally and internationally, to expand the application of restorative practices.
David has been directly involved with the RP/RJ movement since the early 1990's, both in Australia and overseas. He works to expand the range of programs that use restorative practices, with a primary focus on developing and extending the practical skills of facilitators and administrators. He was a co-founder, in 2005, of the Victorian Association for Restorative Justice, which in 2019 became the Australian Association for Restorative Justice.
David's current work includes (i) advising on the design and delivery of redress schemes that contribute both to therapeutic recovery for individuals and to organisational reform, (ii) using restorative processes to reform regional service delivery, and (iii) improving the 'apprenticeship' systems that support continuous learning for program administrators and restorative facilitators.
- Managing Consultant
- Children's Court
- Family Court
- Children's Court
- Family Court
- Local Court
- Public prison system
- Referrals from the justice system
- School
- Advocacy
- ATSI health and well being
- Child and Family support services
- Coaching
- Community Development/Education
- Consultancy
- Counselling
- Culture change
- Education - University
- Facilitation
- Family Dispute Resolution
- Family group conferencing
- Group based relationship education
- Leadership development
- Management Training
- Neighbourhood dispute resolution
- Ombuds services
- Policy development
- Program development
- Reflective practice
- Responding to child sexual abuse
- Restorative Circles
- Restorative Conferencing
- School - K-12
- Team Building
- Training
- Workplace Conferencing
- Workplace Training