The process is coordinated by a ‘convenor’ or a pair of convenors for complex and serious matters, who prepares for RJ and helps everyone talk to one another.
Three stages are involved:
(a) What happened? The offender talks about what, how and why they did what they did and how they think others were affected.
(b) How were people affected? Starting with the victim, the convenor asks everyone what they thought and felt when the offence happened and the impact on them.
(c) How to make things better? The convenor asks everyone what they think needs to happen to make things better. This may form an agreement between the victim and offender about what the offender needs to do to repair the harm. All participants are expected to ensure that what is agreed is fair and reasonably able to be carried out.
RJ does not replace the ACT justice system but depending on who refers the matter and at what stage of the criminal justice process it is referred, RJ can happen instead of going to court, in addition to going to court, or after the person responsible has been sentenced.