About this Profile

Profile source: An interview on behalf of the NED Foundation.
- Co-Founder
- Academic - researcher
- Consultant
- Individual Advocacy
- Practitioner
- Systemic Advocacy
- Trainer
- Co-ordinator
- General Manager
About the Organisation
Transforming Justice Australia is a community-based independent organisation providing restorative practices in response to people harmed and responsible for sexual violence, their families and communities. Transforming Justice Australia is auspiced by the Community Restorative Centre.
To provide survivors of sexual violence, those responsible, their families and communities with a survivor-oriented restorative practice in the community. Our approach, Practice Framework and Practice Manual have been modelled on good and emerging practices from around the world including in New Zealand, USA, UK and Canada and our work continues to evolve with guidance from local and international mentors, colleagues and always, with the guidance and advice of survivors.
Transforming Justice Australia was founded by Thea Deakin-Greenwood, a former lawyer, and Dr Jane Bolitho, an academic and Associate Professor at the University of Victoria, Wellington.
Thea had worked in the community sector with survivors of sexual violence for more than 15 years and most recently supported survivors to engage with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. In 2018 Thea received a Churchill Fellowship to study the effects of Restorative Justice practices on victims of sexual assault. She is a member of the NSW Sentencing Council and Victim Advisory Board and Corrective Services Ethics Committee and completed a Churchill Fellowship into victim oriented, community-based restorative practices for sexual violence.
Jane is the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice at the Victoria University Wellington. She has experience in researching and evaluating Restorative Justice programs particularly in the area of sexual assault. Jane is an accredited mediator and former Youth Justice Conference convenor.
The aim of Transforming Justice Australia is to reduce the impact of domestic, sexual and family violence by listening to survivors and applying a Restorative Justice and Restorative Practice framework. Thea and Jane believe that complex problems like domestic, sexual and family violence are best addressed through collaboration by bringing together many voices and experiences involving those with understanding and learnt knowledge.
- Charity
- Business name of registered business
- Network
- Children's Court
- Community based
- District Court
- Family Court
- Federal Court
- Juvenile Justice
- Local Court
- Private prison system
- Public prison system
- Referrals from the justice system
- School
- Supreme Court
- University
- Advocacy
- Child and Family support services
- Consultancy
- Facilitation
- Family group conferencing
- Family violence advocacy
- Human rights
- Policy development
- Program development
- Research
- Responding to child sexual abuse
- Responding to sexual assault/harm
- Restorative Circles
- Restorative Conferencing
- Restorative Practice meetings
- Rights of carers
- Rights of older people
- Rights of people with disabilities
- Sexual assault
- Support groups
- Training
- Violence risk management
- Workplace Training
- Criminal Justice
- Gendered violence
- Intentional communities
- School - K-12
- Youth justice
- Workplace Conferencing