Practitioner Restorative Stories
About the Practitioner
Sue has a passion for driving positive and transformational culture change and integrating the science of wellbeing into the whole school system.
She uses a Restorative Practice framework that schools can adopt to create safe inclusive places of wellbeing, learning and connection.
Sue works with schools to help them create a custom made long-term plan to build sustainable wellbeing through strategies embedded into policies, practice, programs, pedagogy, measurement and ultimately, school culture.
In addition to her 30 years of working in schools, Sue also has a background in counselling and dispute resolution, which enhances her ability to actively listen and to ask the 'right questions', which lead to powerful and transformational change.
Sue believes that Restorative Practice provides the process and procedures for accountability and the repairing of relationships.
As with many who work in the Restorative Practice field, Sue's introduction was through attending a Marg Thorsborne training course some 14 years ago.
At the time, she was working in a pastoral care position at Moreton Bay College and saw Restorative Practice as an obvious fit for her style of operating.
Sue has a Masters Degree in Guidance and Counselling, a Bachelors Degree in Physical and Health Education, a Graduate Diploma in Dispute Resolution and is a certified coach with Growth Coach International.
Sue has an unconditional positive regard for people and their human qualities and understands the complexity of competing demands in schools and organisations in general. She has a strong interest in the wellbeing of staff, as well as students, and believes it is important that people are held accountable for their actions through supportive processes such as Restorative Practice.
Sue has used the principles of Restorative Practice in her work for more than 14 years, including five years as the inaugural Head of Wellbeing at All Hallows' School in Brisbane, where she was responsible for the design, project planning and implementation of the whole of school wellbeing program including the development of Positive Behaviours Strategy.

- Registered Business
- Founder
- School
- Advocacy
- Coaching
- Consultancy
- Culture change
- Education - RTO
- Facilitation
- Group based relationship education
- Leadership development
- Management and HR Training
- Policy development
- Program development
- Reflective practice
- Restorative Circles
- Restorative Conferencing
- Restorative Practice meetings
- School - K-12
- Support groups
- Team Building
- Training
- Workplace assessment
- Workplace Conferencing
- Workplace investigations
- Workplace Training