Organisation Restorative Stories
About this Profile
Profile source: An interview on behalf of the NED Foundation.
- School - Principal
About the Organisation
At Swansea Primary we are intentional about relationships and we do that by the way we use language, our mindset and our conduct. All staff are working towards the same objective.
When I first arrived at the school at the beginning of 2020, there was an observable disconnect between the school and the community, and that there was a prime opportunity to focus on trust and relationship building, resulting between teachers and parents.
I first became aware of Adam Voigt and his work about a decade earlier, and as I pondered the issues we confronted, he came back into my consciousness.
I obtained a copy of Adam's book, Restoring Teaching and as I read it, the restorative methodology resonated with the work we needed to do.
Real Schools only works with those who are invested in the process and I was 'in' when I came to realise that it's not about the organisation, it's about relationships.
Being on this journey has made me a better person.
We are all on a learning journey around Restorative Practice and are travelling from a place of doing, to a place of being.
The staff has enjoyed three years of extensive expert training from Real Schools which contextualised the coaching we received and they continue to provide the school with ongoing training and support.
From the moment people walk into the school, we want them to feel what we are about.
- Government School
- School
- Advocacy
- ATSI health and well being
- Child and Family support services
- Community Development/Education
- Culture change
- Facilitation
- Group based relationship education
- Leadership development
- Peer support services
- Policy development
- Program development
- Reflective practice
- Rights of people with disabilities
- School prep-6
- Support groups
- Team Building
- Training
- Violence risk assessment
- Violence risk management
- Workplace Training