Sarah May's picture
Sarah May
Restorative Practice

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Practitioner Restorative Stories

Transformative community owned and directed actions

Publication Date: 

Sarah arrived at restorative practices through her own experiences of interpersonal violence and wanting a way of responding that attends to the healing of multiple dimensions of harm and hurt within and between individuals and in the social fabric that connects us.

Sarah has worked as a counsellor with people who have experienced interpersonal violence and delivers training in responding to complex trauma in ways that restore an... Read more

About the Practitioner


Sarah is passionate about developing responses to harm that give a voice to and are directed by those who have experienced harm. Sarah has experienced the harm and limits of adversarial system responses to victims and is committed to about thinking beyond this to create safer and more comprehensive responses to those who have experience harm. Sarah wants to build the capacity of services to be able to offer more to individuals, families and communities - to join with them in the complexity, connect to their experience and develop pathways to safety, healing and liberation. 

Brings to the Discussion: 

An intersectional feminist lens and a commitment to transformative justice responses which  seek to heal and respond to multiple levels and patterns of harm including interpersonal, structural and systemic harm. Sarah believes in expansiveness and multiplicity, is invigorated by ethical intentions, and has faith in the capacity of relationship to build a better world.

Additional Information: 

Sarah is excited about what might emerge from restorative practitioners across Australia connecting up, sharing learnings and building new possibilities.



Referrals from the justice system.

Services Offered: 
  • Consultancy 
  • Counselling 
  • Facilitation 
  • Training

Practitioner Location and Reach

Newcastle West, NSW, 2302
Area Covered: 
Local Area