Practitioner Restorative Stories
About the Practitioner
In her role as a school counsellor, Marg was tasked with, along with another colleague, developing a whole of school approach for responding to bullying. The conference process being used by NSW Police was the answer chosen as a response, as research into bullying has suggested punitive sanctions against the 'bully' created greater risk of harm to the victim.
Marg is a 27 year pioneer of Restorative Practice in the education system and takes a long-term view of culture change. She has written extensively on Restorative Practice and gains great satisfaction from relieving people of the burden of what has gone wrong for all those involved and being able to help make a difference.
Marg believes her initial role is to listen and then determine how ready the organisation is for the Restorative Practice process. It's important to clearly define how the process works, while making the whole process as safe as possible for all participants. Important to have follow up to ensure participants have been relieved of their burden.
Marg doesn't believe she is the font of all knowledge and is always learning how to become better at what she does.
Consultant, Director, Facilitator, Practitioner, Trainer
- Consultancy
- Facilitation
- Restorative Circles
- Restorative Conferencing
- School - K-12
- Training
- Residential care
- Workplace Training
- Management and HR Training