About this Profile
Profile source: An interview on behalf of the NED Foundation.
- General Manager
About the Organisation
We work restoratively with young people who are involved in the youth justice system in both Victoria and the Northern Territory as well as with young people who are struggling to maintain their connection with education.
We also explore restorative approaches with adults and families, including in relation to working with adolescents who use violence within the family.
We believe in the dignity of all people and the importance of strong and healthy relationships required for each of us to flourish. The us of restorative approaches fits well with our values and approach.
Jesuit Social Services is a social change organisation. We do and we influence. That is, we deliver programs and we undertake advocacy aimed at building a just society. We believe that all people are relational and, that at times, we may need support to rebuild and re-establish connections that have been damaged or broken. We describe our work across six pillars: Justice & crime prevention, Mental health & complex needs, Education &employment, Settlement & community building, Gender justice, and Ecological justice . Restorative approaches underpin much of our work, not just our restorative practice programs.
- Charity
- Company
- Children's Court
- Referrals from the justice system
- School
- Community based
- Prison - pre and post release
- Advocacy
- Art drop in studio
- ATSI health and well being
- Community based mental health services
- Community Development/Education
- Counselling
- Family violence advocacy
- Grief and loss
- Human rights
- Policy development
- Program development
- Reflective practice
- Research
- Residential care
- Restorative Conferencing
- Restorative Practice meetings
- Rights of people with disabilities
- School - K-12
- Support groups
- Training
- Violence risk assessment
- Violence risk management
- Workplace Training
- Settlement Services
- Therapeutic outdoor education
- Art drop in studio
- Employment programs