About this Profile
Profile source: An interview on behalf of the NED Foundation.
Co-Founder and Member
About the Organisation
Child and Family Welfare - Child Protection.
FISH is a children's rights and parent and family led organisation. We aim to improve outcomes for children through greater family inclusion. Children in Australia may experience damaged family relationships, trauma and loss and grief when child protection practices do not include families. Too many children are being removed from their families. Many are removed unnecessarily or are not being given the opportunity to return home safely. The child protection system removes a disproportionate number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families. Most children in care are from poor families and communities. This represents a profound injustice that can be changed by including families, challenging current power imbalances and valuing family, culture and community.
FISH is led by parents and families with life experiences in the child protection and out of home care system. Our directors and peer workers include a majority of people who have lived experiences and expertise. We are also supported by experienced social workers and other child and welfare workers with many combined years of experience and expertise. FISH has local, national and international partnerships with child welfare organisations in both government and non government settings. We take a restorative approach to our work, especially restoring relationships within and between families and communities. Some of our activities include:
1. Individual parent and family advocacy and support. This includes peer court support at Broadmeadows Children's Court and a phone information and support service.
2. Group advocacy and support. We provide structured and unstructured group support, information and advocacy with parents who are dealing with the child protection system. The group is run by parents and family, for parents and family, and plays a crucial role in connecting parents and family with one another. We have developed and trialled a restoration /reunification workshop for parents seeking for their children to be returned home. This workshop is available for parents in the Hunter Region of NSW.
3. Community advocacy and support. FISH has a website and a facebook page with information to help parents and family navigate the complex child protection and out of home care system. FISH has also developed resources to help parents and these are available on the website. FISH also offers training and workshops to staff and carers in the child protection system.
4. Systems (law and policy) advocacy. FISH writes submissions, participates in research and does all we can to ensure parent and family voices are heard in the policy process to promote family inclusion.
Incorporated Association in New South Wales, Australia.
Care and Protection (Children)
- Family inclusive initiatives in child protection
- Peer support and advocacy services
- Consultancy
- Culture change
- Facilitation
- Leadership development
- Program development
- Reflective practice
- Training
- Workplace Training
- Child and Family support services
- Support groups
- Research