Organisation Restorative Stories
About this Profile

Profile source: An interview on behalf of the NED Foundation.
- Co-Founder
- Facilitator
About the Organisation
Researching restorative approaches in child protection with Nathan Harris and Valerie Braithwaite in 2007 at the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet, Australian National University) started this restorative journey. Learning from international colleagues in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada, Hull in the UK and Whanganui New Zealand provided examples of how to promote restorative practice and a broader restorative ethos across the whole of the Canberra community and regions. Establishing a critical mass to generate curiosity and conversation, the Canberra Restorative Community Network was formed in July 2015. In order to be effective, the involvement of a diverse range of people who are able to combine both leadership and followship is needed, continually having new members join - to refresh, challenge and contribute to our thinking and our ongoing collective efforts.
Network members bring diversity to Restorative Practice conversations and thinking and doing. A depth of knowledge, skill, understanding and experience, ranging from building peace post an international conflict through to resolving issues related to day to day living, and everything in between.
Aiming for a restorative habit of thinking and behaving, and to explore issues through a restorative lens. Asking who is affected and how by this issue (whatever it may be) requires respectful and deep listening. Wellbeing and healing, safety, accountability and empowerment are foundational principles to a restorative way of being and doing - a continual work in progress. Understanding that change is slow and that building trust takes time. Connecting with others' struggles and weaving together webs of support and influence, looking more for how we are the same rather than how we are different, building on our uniqueness, and inviting and honouring the contributions of all, including the outsider and those whose views may oppose and challenge one's own. Always aiming to be and offer a restorative, safe and trusting space with those who come into our lives.
Looking for our restorative histories in the stories of our journeys so far. Learning from restorative leaders and pioneers, locally and internationally. Forming and joining up restorative networks to grow and share examples of research and applications.
Linking with restorative practitioners and thinkers requires dedicated time, relational capital and modest financial resources. The NED Foundation has played an integral part in helping to build and maintain restorative practice networks linking Canberra, Newcastle, New South Wales with international restorative practitioners. This has fostered a wider awareness and commitment to restorative practice across our communities through NED's support for community forums and training which in turn help influence and affect change in areas of social concern.
- Network
- Children's Court
- Family Court
- Local Court
- Public prison system
- Referrals from the justice system
- School
- Advocacy
- Child and Family support services
- Coaching
- Culture change
- Elder Abuse
- Facilitation
- Family Dispute Mediation
- Family Dispute Resolution
- Family group conferencing
- Grief and loss
- Group based relationship education
- Human rights
- Leadership development
- Neighbourhood dispute resolution
- Peer support services
- Policy development
- Program development
- Reflective practice
- Research
- Residential care
- Restorative Circles
- Restorative Conferencing
- Rights of carers
- Rights of older people
- Rights of people with disabilities
- Rights of people with mental health issues
- School - K-12
- Training
- Workplace Training
- Community Development/Education
- Education - University