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Helen Hussey
Restorative Practice
The Peace Education Program

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Practitioner Restorative Stories

Helen Hussey Interview May 2023

Publication Date: 
Monday, July 10, 2023

So I think the Restorative bit comes when people begin to listen to what's happening within. They begin to become more comfortable with themselves, they actually feel there are possibilities... better possibilities than they took before. They begin to value themselves, with kindness and compassion. They may understand that others have their own value also.

On May 11, 2023, Our Webmaster John Saward interviewed Restorative...Read more

Helen Hussey: My Work with Children

Publication Date: 
My work with children is quite separate to the Peace Education Program. What did I learn? That everyone from a four year old, to a gentleman of ninety three, are interested and have their own stories of peace. We can work restoratively to bring awareness, hope and change personally, and also in the wider community. I approach peace simply as a human being, relating to other human beings with respect. I have some wonderful, fruitful relationships... Read more

International Peace Education Program Conference

Publication Date: 
My Experience at the 2024 International Peace Education Program Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Helen Hussey

In July 2024 I was invited to the International Peace Education Program Conference in Kuala Lumpur.

There were facilitators of the program from 58 countries. I have attached some photos.

The first is of Billa. He is now going back into the prison and helping facilitate the program, his own restorative journey. A few... Read more

About the Practitioner

Field of Interest: 

The Peace Education Program helps me appreciate being alive  It connects me to something deeper. It helps me become aware of my inner strengths, not just  my accomplishments or failures.

I face challenges of family, community and Global Warming, like everyone does.

Living consciously involves being aware that I always have a choice,  even in rough times, then choosing carefully. to stand on my own two feet.

I am learning to be kind and compassionate to me, as well as to others, particularly when I am feeling vulnerable. I am learning to accept my limitations, then, to walk forward again with hope and courage.


Peace begins with each one of us, from there, I want to share appreciation, kindness, humanity. and gratitude.

One way to make injustice and cruelty less in the whole world, is to make peace much, much bigger.


Brings to the Discussion: 

I'm a human being, warts and all. I have watched participants acknowledge their humanity and feel the joy of being alive.

I have facilitated about 75, ten week programs in the wider Hobart community.

Over the last three years I have been facilitating PEP at Bethlehem House Hostel for Homeless Men. Many of the residents are recently out of prison. It is a short stay facility with a high turn over of men. PEP is well received by the men who choose to participate. They get a laminated Certificate of Participation after ten weeks and their photo to keep. 

I mentioned that one of the men would have been coming for 30 weeks the next week.  Another man  (recently out of prison,) said, " we must celebrate."  He bought cakes from the CWA shop for the next week.  Residents, Staff and PEP volunteers all enjoyed coffee and cake together. He also received a copy of, the book, "Hear Yourself."

 Now there is a second facility for long term accommodation. I have PEP there as well.


Additional Information: 

I have had many meetings with the Director of Prisons in Tasmania about co-facilitating a 10 week trial of the Peace Education Program in the Women's Prison. Covid, and staff changes have put this on hold.  However I maintain a good relationship with him and I am hopeful of this commencing when practicable.

I have recently made a submission to the Legislative Council for their inquiry into Tasmanian adult imprisonment and youth detention matters.

PEP is facilitated by volunteers in over 80 countries and translated into 40 languages. It is in more than 750 prisons world wide.

My background is in Education.

Quite separate to PEP, I have worked with school children on posters for the United Nations International Day of Peace, for seven years. The first exhibition was held at the local Library and opened by the Mayor of Kingborough. We had large sheets of paper and coloured pens for people visiting the library to write or draw their thoughts on Peace. It was up for a month.

For Glenorchy City  Council's Safer Communities Initiative I worked on whole school approach to making posters on Peace Is Possible-- Peace Begins With Me. They were simple, about what peace looked like or felt like to each child. These were displayed  in the foyer of the council offices, for two months. All of the children received certificates of participation.

I am concerned about Climate and Global Warming and the damage fracking will cause.

I care for the natural environment. I am active in promoting the damage Salmon Farming is doing to Tasmanian waters and the huge amount of Antibiotics fed to the fish, which people eat.



Organisational Role(s): 
  • Volunteer Facilitator
  • Public prison system
Services Offered: 
  • Homeless men
  • Community centres
  • Libraries
  • University of the Third Age
  • Community Development/Education 

Practitioner Location and Reach

Timberbox, Tas, 7054
Area Covered: 
Hobart and surrounds

Practitioner Internet Presence